Alternative Telephone Numbers for Ireland
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cost alternative phone number to dial. Save your Euros.
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The purpose of this site is to provide you with cheaper (or free) telephone numbers for popular companies you wish to call.

There are alternative numbers listed for 0818, 1850, 1890, 1800 and many other telephone numbers.

Please help by adding numbers you are aware of yourself to the site.

You may not be aware but it is often more costly to telephone a company on their advertised 0818, 1850 or 1890 number than a standard telephone number that begins with a regular area code such as 0181.
Companies using these numbers are normally receiving a portion of the telephone cost, and therefore

you are earning them money when you choose to phone them with your query/problem.

Many companies advertise a separate number that can be used when calling from abroad - This is normally displayed with the plus sign followed by the country code, eg +353 for calls to a telephone in Ireland. As the 0818, 1850 and 1890 numbers are not always accesible from outside of the country, companies will normally list a regular telephone number against this (a normal rate telephone call), which you can then dial even from within the country. Some others will give you a standard number if you ask.

This site is all about listing these numbers, saving you money, without having to pay additional charges. To get started and find a particular number, please click on the 'Search to find an alternative number' link at the top of the page.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the site.  Please continue to add any new numbers as and when you find them. Full details on our terms and conditions can be seen by clicking here.

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